Led by International Tax Consultant Jack Brister, the IWTA team excel at solving complex cross border tax issues.Ā  Working with clientsā€™ offshore and domestic wealth structures and investment portfolios, we strategically pinpoint the intricacies and weaknesses of U.S. and foreign tax systems to minimize loss of wealth and profits.

Founded in 2015 and located in the heart of New York City on Avenue of the Americas, International Wealth Tax Advisors provides highly personalized, secure and private global tax accounting and consultingĀ to individuals, families, family offices and foreign-based multinational business clients across the U.S.A and North America, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Middle East.


Our Specialties

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Foreign Trust, Estate and Gift Taxation

Based on clientsā€™ jurisdiction and current needs, IWTA provides strategic consulting and assists in selecting and implementing a wealth transfer structure to maximize returns and minimize tax exposure.

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Pre-Immigration and Expatriation Planning

IWTA assists clients planning to become U.S. taxpayers as well as those terminating their citizen or green card status. We help mitigate the substantial taxes that can result from these decisions.

US RE Blk Blue 64x64 1

U.S., Real Estate & Foreign Investments

Ā IWTA provides non-U.S. taxpayers diligent assessment of and planning for investments in U.S. business and real estate. For U.S. taxpayers:Ā  We provide foreign investment and tax strategies.

FBAR FrnFinAssets Blk Blue 64x64 1

Foreign Financial Asset and FBAR Reporting

Ā Get help with FACTA, foreign financial asset reporting and the FBAR and know the filing requirements: Most U.S. persons withĀ  interest in foreign accounts/investments are required to report,Ā  and to file the FBAR.

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Voluntary Disclosures

The U.S. federal and state governments have long-standing offerings of voluntary disclosure programs. IWTA helps taxpayers who have lapsed in tax filing and international disclosures get back in compliance.

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Business Activities

Ā IWTA helps clients establish businesses in the USA, structure them for maximum tax benefits, and file tax returns as U.S. policies and regulations dictate. Knowing and complying with U.S. State and Local tax laws are critical factors.

FACTA Blk Blue 64x64 1

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

IWTA helps clients find the right classification for their entities, obtain a Global International Identification Number, and prepare Form W-8 and Form 8966 to ensure compliance.

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Non-Resident Alien Tax Planning

The time NRAs spend in the U.S., combined with U.S. investment structure is critical to minimize U.S. tax exposure and liability. IWTA helps NRAs avoid costly mistakes with a personalized strategic financial and tax plan.

The U.S. is the world's largest economy with vast opportunities to expand wealth.

The ā€œAmerican Dreamā€ of building unlimited wealth through investments in the U.S.A is practically a global obsession. However, understanding the U.S. system of worldwide tax collection and what legally defines an entity as a U.S. taxpayer is critical to building, growing and keeping your investments.

Let's Get Started
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IWTAā€™s Guiding Values:

We are guided by these values and pledge our commitments in service to our clients.








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Get Up to Date Information

It Happened in South Dakota

It Happened in South Dakota

The Pandora Papers, a recent reveal of pervasive cross-border financial crime and elaborately-crafted tax dodging structures, as reported by a global network of investigative journalists, has
already shaken up governments and elections, upended tax authorities and initiated criminal investigations… Perhaps the most intriguing revelation of all from a stateside perspective was the emergence of South Dakota as a preferred tax haven of the rich and famous.

Third Quarter 2021 U.S. Economic Outlook: Vaxed, Taxed, and Roaring Back

Third Quarter 2021 U.S. Economic Outlook: Vaxed, Taxed, and Roaring Back

Itā€™s been a year and a half since the onset of COVID-19, and thereā€™s encouraging news for clients. The U.S. economy is bouncing back to life thanks in part to government aid and relatively high vaccination rates. The national economy grew at a seasonally adjusted, 6.5% annual rate in the second quarter, a sign that the nation has achieved a sustained recovery from the pandemic-induced recession. In fact, the economy has now surpassed its pre-pandemic levels.

IRS Introduces Tax Relief Measures for Those Impacted by Covid-19

IRS Introduces Tax Relief Measures for Those Impacted by Covid-19

IWTA Breaking Tax News: IRS Introduces Tax Relief Measures for Those Impacted by Covid-19.
On November 2, 2020 the Internal Revenue Service announced changes designed to de-stress taxpayers filing late 2019 returns, and those that have fallen behind on previously-negotiated installment agreements or otherwise struggling to pay balances owed.
In short, any taxpayer struggling financially due to the pandemic can take comfort in and advantage of the second phase of tax relief — what the IRS calls its ā€œPeople Firstā€ initiative. This applies to small business owners too, who have been hurt badly by the pandemic-induced economic slowdown.

In 2020 Cryptocurrency is No Longer a ā€œBitā€ Player

In 2020 Cryptocurrency is No Longer a ā€œBitā€ Player

It is evident that the Covid economy has only intensified the thirst of investors, entrepreneurs and increasingly, average citizens, for an economic model that more seamlessly marries with life-in-the-digital-lane. This article updats the shifting landscape of cryptocurrency, banking and finance and taxes. The future is here and traditional banking must ride the cryptocurrency blockchain or go the way of the abacus.